What if you put a team of astronomers and a class of animation students together to try to explain the mysteries of the universe? Since 2013, NASA scientists have worked with Maryland Institute College of Art students to produce a series of animations based on research that includes black holes, pulsars, dark matter and more.
The animations are available for non-commercial use, providing attribution is given, and no distribution of modified versions is allowed. CC BY-NC-ND
An Astro-Animation Class: Optimizing Artistic, Educational and Outreach Outcomes,Leonardo, January 2022, Arcadias, Laurence ; Corbet, Robin H.D.
Astro-animation - A Case Study of Art and Science Education, Animation Practice, Process & Production Volume 9, Number 1, pp. 75-102 (28), April 2021, Arcadias, Laurence ; Corbet, Robin H. D.; McKenna, Declan: Potenziani, Isabella
Astro-animation and Informal STEM Learning, RNAAS Research Notes of the AAS, May 2021, Arcadias, Laurence ; Corbet, Robin H.D.
Animating Fermi - A Collaboration Between Art Students and Astronomers, Leonardo Vol. 48, No. 5, pp. 484–485, May 2015, Arcadias, Laurence ; Corbet, Robin H.D.